Charlie Brown was disappointed by the materialism of Christmas.He tried to find a deep meaning of Christmas,but all of his friends laughed at him.He attempted to restore a little Christmas tree that was forlorn,but he failed.
Then Linus Van Pelt said:
"There were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, 'Fear not: for behold, I bring unto you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.' And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."
At last,all of Charlie Brown's friends helped him to decorate the little Christmas tree,and sang together.
I think that is the meaning of Christmas.
2011年12月21日 星期三
2011年11月9日 星期三
Invisible Children
Because of the LRA rebel , lots of children in Uganda are faced with deaths .
The LRA rebel movement can be traced back to a woman named Alice Lakwena. In the 1980s, Lakwena believed the Holy Spirit spoke to her and ordered her to overthrow the Ugandan government for being unjust to the Acholi. Lakwena and her followers, known as the Holy Spirit Movement, gained momentum as resentment toward the government increased. When Lakwena was exiled and no clear leader of the movement was left, Joseph Kony, who claimed to be Lakwena’s cousin, took control and transformed Lakwena’s rebel army into the LRA.
Kony's LRA did not receive the same support as the Holy Spirit Movement from the Acholi people. With dwindling approval for their cause and heightened government offensives, the rebels resorted to abducting children and indoctrinating them into their ranks. It is estimated that more than 90% of the LRA’s troops were abducted as children.
In 1996, as a response to the LRA attacks in the villages, the Ugandan government forcibly evicted thousands from their homes, relocating them into overcrowded camps in hopes of providing protection. But over a decade later, roughly one million individuals still live in these camps and struggle to survive among the effects of abject poverty, rampant disease, and near-certain starvation.
The children take the guns , fight with the enemy instead of going to school . They have danger every minute ,and they are forced to fight . If they don't do it , they will be killed by the people on their side.
In recent years,more and more international attention has been focused on this thing . There are some people try to help these invisible children.
Pressure from the international community combined with a strong desire to secure peace has brought the Government of Uganda and the LRA to the negotiating table on numerous occasions, though they have yet to find a peaceful resolution. The most recent talks commenced in Juba, Sudan in July 2006, and a Cessation of Hostilities Agreement was signed the following month.
But at this point in time, the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement has expired and Joseph Kony has failed to sign the Final Peace Agreement for a fourth time, proving his promises to be futile and ultimately disabling the peace talks.
Later , on December 24th, 2008, the LRA launched a retaliatory attack against the people of DR Congo. In apparent desperation and a renewed will to spread terror to DR Congo, the LRA murdered over six hundred and abducted more than one hundred and sixty children to fight amongst its ranks. More than 104,000 Congolese have been displaced since Christmas in attempts to escape the LRA forces.
I think it is really sad , the society encourages peace , but the crisis can not be stopped even now.We should help those invisible children as much as we can.
The LRA rebel movement can be traced back to a woman named Alice Lakwena. In the 1980s, Lakwena believed the Holy Spirit spoke to her and ordered her to overthrow the Ugandan government for being unjust to the Acholi. Lakwena and her followers, known as the Holy Spirit Movement, gained momentum as resentment toward the government increased. When Lakwena was exiled and no clear leader of the movement was left, Joseph Kony, who claimed to be Lakwena’s cousin, took control and transformed Lakwena’s rebel army into the LRA.
Kony's LRA did not receive the same support as the Holy Spirit Movement from the Acholi people. With dwindling approval for their cause and heightened government offensives, the rebels resorted to abducting children and indoctrinating them into their ranks. It is estimated that more than 90% of the LRA’s troops were abducted as children.
In 1996, as a response to the LRA attacks in the villages, the Ugandan government forcibly evicted thousands from their homes, relocating them into overcrowded camps in hopes of providing protection. But over a decade later, roughly one million individuals still live in these camps and struggle to survive among the effects of abject poverty, rampant disease, and near-certain starvation.
In recent years,more and more international attention has been focused on this thing . There are some people try to help these invisible children.
Pressure from the international community combined with a strong desire to secure peace has brought the Government of Uganda and the LRA to the negotiating table on numerous occasions, though they have yet to find a peaceful resolution. The most recent talks commenced in Juba, Sudan in July 2006, and a Cessation of Hostilities Agreement was signed the following month.
But at this point in time, the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement has expired and Joseph Kony has failed to sign the Final Peace Agreement for a fourth time, proving his promises to be futile and ultimately disabling the peace talks.
Later , on December 24th, 2008, the LRA launched a retaliatory attack against the people of DR Congo. In apparent desperation and a renewed will to spread terror to DR Congo, the LRA murdered over six hundred and abducted more than one hundred and sixty children to fight amongst its ranks. More than 104,000 Congolese have been displaced since Christmas in attempts to escape the LRA forces.
2011年10月18日 星期二
A Bullying Church
The Westboro Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church known for its extreme stance against homosexuality and its protest activities, which include picketing funerals and desecrating the American flag. The church has been actively involved in the anti-gay movement since at least 1991 when it sought a crackdown on homosexual activity at Gage Park six blocks northwest of the church. In addition to anti-gay protests at military funerals, the organization pickets other celebrity funerals that are likely to get it media attention.
In 2006, Westboro picketed with banners saying "God hates fags" and "Thank God for dead soldiers" at the Westminster, Maryland, funeral of Matthew Snyder, a U.S. Marine who was also killed in Iraq. Ruling on a subsequent lawsuit filed by Snyder's father, Albert Snyder, the U.S. Supreme Court decided 8–1 that Westboro's actions constituted protected free speech.
The Westboro Baptist Church claims to be Christianiry. They preach specific Bible verses, pretty much to the exclusion of all of the others and without any compassion or common sense. Christians do not do the hateful things that these people do.In Christian theology charity, or love is the greatest of the three theological virtues.I say unequivocally that they are not Christians.
Religion in America has always been caught between supporting American patriotism, portraying God as love, and standing against elements that were deemed immoral and a threat to their interpretations of traditional American values. This has often created tension because of ancient, doctrinal condemnation of many values that American society today has been growing to accept over the last forty years in the name of human dignity.
2011年10月6日 星期四
The term "cyberbullying" was first coined and defined by Bill Belsey, as "the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others."Because of the anonymous properties,the users always don't make clear themselves,relying on nicknames.As a result,the users make use of this feature,can use verbal violence to other users,make the victims' personal information(such as real name) known to the public and so on.
The National Crime Prevention Council reports that cyber-bullying is a problem that affects almost half of all American teens. In September 2006, ABC News reported on a survey prepared by I-Safe.Org. This 2004 survey of 1,500 students between grades 4–8 reported: 42% of kids have been bullied while online. One in four have had it happen more than once. 35% of kids have been threatened online. Nearly one in five had had it happen more than once. 21% of kids have received mean or threatening e-mails or other messages. 58% of kids admit someone has said mean or hurtful things to them online. More than four out of ten say it has happened more than once. 58% have not told their parents or an adult about something mean or hurtful that happened to them online..
The National Crime Prevention Council reports that cyber-bullying is a problem that affects almost half of all American teens. In September 2006, ABC News reported on a survey prepared by I-Safe.Org. This 2004 survey of 1,500 students between grades 4–8 reported: 42% of kids have been bullied while online. One in four have had it happen more than once. 35% of kids have been threatened online. Nearly one in five had had it happen more than once. 21% of kids have received mean or threatening e-mails or other messages. 58% of kids admit someone has said mean or hurtful things to them online. More than four out of ten say it has happened more than once. 58% have not told their parents or an adult about something mean or hurtful that happened to them online..
2011年9月28日 星期三
Junior Bully Blog
The first link is talk about
because Delaney Escher broke from the group's norms,she was ostracized by the group almost immediatele, the bullying really escalated when parents started to get involved. Then, she was already having graphic nightmares stemming from the hateful texts, and she eventually entered therapy. From that point forward, things started to get better.She followed through and reported the troublesome classmates again, and the bullying stopped.A year later, she still gets what she calls "death stares" from some of the students, but the harassment has stopped. She believes that there needs to be more awareness surrounding the definition of bullying, as that will make it easier for students to come forward.
The second link is talk about
For six years, Jim Harold Jr. came home from school with a new bruise or another story of cruelty. But his refusal to report problems to anyone.Through the mental health professional ,his parents knew Jim had Asperger's.He subsequently being diagnosed.By the next school year, he'd found a peer group and his social skills had improved. He recently spent time speaking to a Webster parent group whose sons and daughters are victims of bullying.He think it's important share his story to show that it's possible to come out on the other side as a better person.
The third link is talk about
Bullying has become more and more serious.Then legislation rises.But each bullying scenario is unique and needs to be looked at on a case-by-case basis.But the courts of law don't make people get along better.Many people believe that the anti-bullying programs themselves actually may contribute to more bullying in schools.
Jamey Rodemeyer, 14 years old from Buffalo, NY, committed suicide last weekend because of gay bullying. Rodemeyer was a big fan of Lady Gaga, as seen from the last Twitter message of his life.
because Delaney Escher broke from the group's norms,she was ostracized by the group almost immediatele, the bullying really escalated when parents started to get involved. Then, she was already having graphic nightmares stemming from the hateful texts, and she eventually entered therapy. From that point forward, things started to get better.She followed through and reported the troublesome classmates again, and the bullying stopped.A year later, she still gets what she calls "death stares" from some of the students, but the harassment has stopped. She believes that there needs to be more awareness surrounding the definition of bullying, as that will make it easier for students to come forward.
The second link is talk about
For six years, Jim Harold Jr. came home from school with a new bruise or another story of cruelty. But his refusal to report problems to anyone.Through the mental health professional ,his parents knew Jim had Asperger's.He subsequently being diagnosed.By the next school year, he'd found a peer group and his social skills had improved. He recently spent time speaking to a Webster parent group whose sons and daughters are victims of bullying.He think it's important share his story to show that it's possible to come out on the other side as a better person.
The third link is talk about
Bullying has become more and more serious.Then legislation rises.But each bullying scenario is unique and needs to be looked at on a case-by-case basis.But the courts of law don't make people get along better.Many people believe that the anti-bullying programs themselves actually may contribute to more bullying in schools.
Jamey Rodemeyer, 14 years old from Buffalo, NY, committed suicide last weekend because of gay bullying. Rodemeyer was a big fan of Lady Gaga, as seen from the last Twitter message of his life.
"Jamey Rodemeyer, 14 yrs old, took his life because of bullying. Bullying must become illegal. It is a hate crime," Lady Gaga tweeted on Wednesday. "The past days I've spent reflecting, crying, and yelling," she continued."I have so much anger. It is hard to feel love when cruelty takes someone's life."
"I am meeting with our President. I will not stop fighting. This must end. Our generation has the power to end it. Trend it #MakeALawForJamey," the singer posted on Twitter later on the same day.
It is unclear as to whether Gaga has set up an official meeting with President Barack Obama, who will be at the Department of Education's national summit against bullying.
Rodemeyer endured constant bullying for being homosexual from classmates at Williamsville North High School in Buffalo, N.Y. both in person and virtually.
"It was a constant taunting," his mother, Tracy, told NBC affiliate WGRZ. "The same people over and over."
In May, the 14-year-old posted a Youtube video for "It Gets Better" project, assuring himself that it gets better, and saying that Lady Gaga always made him happy, letting know that he was "born this way."
"Hold your head up and you'll go far. Because that's all you have to do, just love yourself and you're set," said Rodemeyer in the video.
Anti-Bullying Policy
Believing that a safe and civil school environment is necessary for students, Bishop Kearney prohibits any and all acts of harassment or bullying. Bishop Kearney Harassment or bullying, like other disruptive or violent behaviors, is conduct that disrupts both a student’s ability to learn and a school’s ability to educate its students in a safe environment. Demonstration of appropriate behavior, treating others with civility and respect, and refusing to tolerate harassment or bullying is expected of all members of the Kearney community. Because Bishop Kearney cannot monitor nor be held responsible for the actions of students that occur outside the realm of the normal school day, it is the expectation of Bishop Kearney that parents will act as partners in ensuring their children’s well being.
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